Tag: France

In Search of a World Map

In Search of a World Map

This week I finished the second draft of book two in my post apocalyptic fantasy, Terra Incognita, series. It wasn’t easy because it required a fairly major rewrite of much of my major character’s attitudes and motivations because I hadn’t mapped my character out from book one to book three. As I get started on Book Three, I’m thinking about how the importance of a consistent road map across a series of books is just as important as a consistent map of the world.

My last post spoke of the work done to standardize measures in mapmaking that led to the creation of the scientific metric measuring system. But the creation of the metric system was only the start in a venture to create of a consistent set of maps of the world. This might not seem sexy, but think about traveling to a different locale and finding the maps you are using don’t use consistent measurements and contradict each other. You end doing a mass of translations to make the maps work or you might end up throwing the maps out because they are so inconsistent it’s easier to simply start from scratch. That was the situation for many explorers because the maps they had might have used a consistent measurement scale (but not always), but were also based on measurements started from different starting points. In other words the Prime Meridian had never been agreed upon.

The trail turns upwards (2011) Photo (c) Karen Abrahamson
The trail turns upwards (2011) Photo (c) Karen Abrahamson

After the agreement about the metric system, there were still disagreements in the cartographic world. One of the major ones was the position on the earth from which meridians (the imaginary lines drawn on the earth from pole to pole that connect all spots along the longitude) should be referenced – in other words where was the zero point on the globe from which all other distances would be measured. To this point in time, where measurements began depended upon the nationality of the scientist conducting the measurement.

The need for a Prime Meridian had existed for all Cartographers. Ptolemy had chosen the Fortunate Islands – at his time the westernmost extent of the world. But the age of politics had national sentiment taking precedent with the French recommending the zero point’s location in Paris, the Spanish recommending either Toledo or Cadiz, the Italian Pisa or Rome, and Americans wanting Washington or Philadelphia etc. It took the International Meridian Conference in 1884 to settle on Greenwich as the Prime Meridian which gave us our zero longitude, and also set our clocks and time zones with Greenwich Mean Time.

Venice's Grand Canal (2004) Photo (c) Karen Abrahamson

A later conference of the International Geographic Congress realized the mapping issues I mentioned above meant that there was a need to revise the world’s maps to create a consistent map of the world. It led to a proposal for an International Map of the World that would all be drawn to a single scale – 1:1,000,000 (1 centimeter =10 kilometers or 1 inch equals 15.78 miles) – leading to the name of the project being the Millionth Map. It would also be drawn using standardized symbols and colors. The project was debated for a period, but after examples of the maps were produced, in 1913 an agreement was reached. Maps were to be created for each 4 degrees of latitude and 6 degrees of longitude, not paying attention to national boundaries. All place names had to use the Roman alphabet.

Little Uigher girl, Sunday Market, Kashgar, Western China (1997) Photo (c) Karen Abrahamson

It was a slow process. Between 1913 and the start of the First World War only eight maps were produced out of a total of 2,500 required to map the world. Between 1921 and 1946, the American Geological Survey produced the 107 maps that comprised the map of Hispanic American (North and South America). By the 1930s 405 maps had been produced in total, but the central repository of the maps (in Paris) was largely destroyed during the Second World War. In 1953, the United Nations assumed responsibility for oversight of the project, but by the 1980s only 800-1000 maps had been completed and many were not completed using exactly the same standards. Since then the U.N. has stopped even reporting on the project, so after all this work the Millionth Map languishes and who knows when you’ll fall right off its edges when you visit another country and have to work with maps that don’t mesh.

This suggests that I had better get busy and piece together the latitudes and longitudes of book three in my series, so that all of the books provide a complete and consistent picture of Terra’s world.



Maps, Measures and Krypton Atoms: The weight of cartography

Maps, Measures and Krypton Atoms: The weight of cartography

Old water mill in the countryside near Besoncon, France (2004) Photo (c) Karen Abrahamson

Last week I talked about the north and the impact of northern European perspective on the rest of the world. But other impacts of cartographers on human culture have perhaps gone less noticed. Case in point is the development of the metric measuring system and in particular the meter.

I grew up in Canada when the country was making the transition from Imperial (inch, foot, yard) measures, to the metric system. All I knew was the meter was a problem I had to solve and it’s interesting because I still think in both systems, flipping between the two much like a person who speaks multiple languages. At the time of the conversion there was much bemoaning the triumph of this foreign system no one in the public understood or knew anything about, but the meter grew out of science and at its heart, it arose from cartography.

The metric system was developed in France at the end of the 18th century in response to a burgeoning plethora of measuring systems that differed across each province in that country. Consider the toise, for example, which measured about 6 French feet (which were longer than Imperial feet – go figure). The trouble was, most measures grew out of some local whim, much like the yard (originally the length of a sash used by Saxon Kings, and then the distance from the tip of King Henry the First’s nose to the end of his thumb). The toise supposedly was half the width of the Louvre’s main gate.

Castle near Pontarlier, Eastern France (2004) Photo (c) Karen Abrahamson

But these unscientific (and in France, inconsistent) measures made it impossible for scientists from different jurisdictions to talk to each other, and difficult for maps created in different jurisdictions to be amalgamated into a larger map of France. As a result, in 1790 the French Academy of Science, at the request of the French government, embarked on a search to create an invariable standard of measurement and weight. They chose to create a measurement that would be one ten millionth of the meridian distance between the North Pole and the equator and measures of weight were to be developed from the unit of length. The name to be given to the new measure was metre or meter, derived from the Greek work metron, meaning ‘a measure’.

The trouble was, after the decision, they had to determine how long the meter was. They had tentative data about the meridian distance from the North Pole to equator due to earlier surveys, but they needed more accurate data and decided to run a survey between Dunkerque and Barcelona – a portion of a single meridian. The political and social instability in France at this time made the feat more difficult than it sounds. The surveyors, strangers, were often mistaken and arrested as spies because of their strange instruments and white surveyor flags that happened to be a royalist color (remember the French revolution). Eventually they completed their survey and the academy prepared a platinum bar the length of a standard meter to establish this length. This changed the estimated length of the meter by less than 0.3 millimeters, indicating how accurate previous surveyors had been.

Crepe maker, Paris (2004) Photo (c) Karen Abrahamson

From this, the weight of a cubic centimeter of water became a gram, a cubic decimeter became the liter Canadians and much of the world use for fuel and milk today. For France’s issue with inconsistent measures was also an issue across the globe. In 1875, twenty nations met in Paris to adopt the Convention of the Meter and it is the measure of science around the world. But the meter still had one final change to make. In 1960, to increase the meter’s consistent length (remember how the curve of the world and the thickness of its crust impact measurements) the definition of its length changed to the length of a certain number of wavelengths of light emitted by krypton atoms. Thankfully, this didn’t mean any real change in its length.



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